Previously, I had very high respect for the people who received nobel prizes. But I was shocked to hear the news that Barrack Obama got the nobel peace prize. I lost all the respect now for the organization/committee who decides on giving these noble prizes. The committee lost its credibility. I don't know whether US has achieved enough under his leadership. But as far as I know, people are still unemployed in US, in Afghanistan, people are still dying (day before yesterday only the bomb has exploded near Indian embassy). And who can forget the aid given by US to Pakistan, which they are using for terror activities.
I know only one commendable decision which he has taken to close Guantanamo Bay jail where so many people were tortured by US army. But what about other facts. He has taken decisions, but there are no results yet.
In the end, I just want to say that Obama doesn't deserves the noble prize for peace. He has just completed ten months in his job. How can you judge him for nobel prize that too for peace. This is too early to judge him. It seems that he worked better than Mahatma Gandhi who gave his entire life to world peace, and was once nominated for the prize but denied for same honor. Hope with this nobel prize Barrack Obama will do better for human civilization.