I just finished reading this book and tell you this is the most touching story I have ever read. No doubt Khaled had again done the remarkably good job after "The Kite Runner". I literally cried during the last few pages of "Thousand Splendid Suns". The way he portrayed the Afghan Women under the burqua is exceptional. He made me think that how tough the lives of these women in Afghanistan. Until now, I just see any burqua lady as a normal human being never bothered about them, but now I will see them differently- what they must be thinking inside that burqua by seeing other ladies/girls wearing skirts, working in offices. Their freedom is just limited to that burqua. The two characters in this story - Mariam and Laila are very strong women who have gone through many miseries in their life, their pain is unmeasurable. But still how they reacted to the situations, the decisions that they took truly deserves the appreciation. I recommend this book to all the book lovers.
I just started reading a book about Afghanistan too -- it is "the carpet wars." It has held my interest so far. Have not been able to read too much of it because of work schedule :|
Love this book as well. One of my favorites.
I was reading this book for the last 4 months...actually didnt get time but its only this weekend that i read more than half of the pages and finished it...its really good...
Naseem> now it is one of my favrites too...
I'm glad you liked it! I have this book autographed by the author. It's always going to be one of my favorites. Did you read The Kite Runner? It's a must read!
yes i have read the kite runner too....have u seen the movie too "the kite runner"??
Oh I Love this book… it is indeed the Best that I have read till now. I couldn’t continue reading it at my first attempt, as it was just over a week of completing The Kite Runner. I found it too depressing and stopped at the point when the marriage was proposed for Marriam with old Rasheed. Even The Kite Runner had a sad ending to Hassan and I was not ready to continue reading this one. After a month I started again and then there was no interval. I remember taking this book with me to office and reading it in the cab. I still feel bad for Marriam’s life, he should have kept her alive. But apart from it the book was amazingggg.
And yeah I have watched The Kite Runner too. :)
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