I want to thank my Father for giving me everything in my life which I needed. I know, sometimes I insist him to buy something, he never said no for it, even when it is costly. I remember He brought us (me and my brother) TV video game and that day we were the happiest. How he had saved money from His salary for this to make us happy, I can never pay Him back. Even though I never get chance to tell Him directly that how much I love Him, I want to dedicate this post to Him. To me, He is God.
I remember the instance when me and my brother put water in His scooter's petrol tank. Next day we went to school without bothering, when He returned from office, He gave us smile and said "Did you guys put water in the petrol tank". I know how much He had suffered that day by pulling the scooter to the petrol station and then had to flip the scooter so that tank gets empty. Dad, I am so sorry for that day.
When He brought the first car Maruti 800, He took us for ride in the night and we were so happy. One day in the night I have to do my homework and there was no pencil in the house, all the shops were closed by then because it was late. He went out and somehow got me the pencil, I don't know from where. He is a hero for me. Dad, I know it's been a hard and tough life for You, but I promise that I will do everything and anything for You to keep You happy forever. You have always supported me, helped me and it's time for me to pay back. I know, I can never do that but I will try everything to keep You safe. You are a true Hero for me. Love You Dad.
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