Sunday, September 19, 2010

Commonwealth Games 2010 - India's real test

(Please let them come out and play)

I have read so many negative blogs, articles, etc. on the subject that even if, we are ready to host the event, people from all over the world after reading them will surely gonna not come to see the mega event. I don't know how much negative energy we have in our soul by degrading our country in front of others. This is nothing new that India is a country with lots of corruption in every field. Despite of this, India hosting such a event is miracle.

I know there are so many difficulties Delhi people are currently facing due to this commonwealth games. But can't we support government on this. I know they are not 100% efficient not even 50% but can't you just give 1 year of your life to support this event and face whatever difficulties comes. Are we habitual of so luxurious living that we have forgotten how Gandhiji and other great legends lived their life. It is you who have selected this government. Oh hell yeah, I know every government is like this, why don't you try leading a city or a country (Ho gayi tai tai fis....).

This is a lesson that our government has learn from this event. They will think thrice before hosting any such event in future. As a citizen of India, try to support the cause rather than ranting or complaining about people who are trying to organize the event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is very true that we all have to stand with the government for our nation. but as far as the politicians are concern, they are bloody corrupted basturds. they are basically let India down in front of rest of the world. Many countries boycotting their name from the games. Am not hoping that the event would have a great success but i wish they would take CWG to a good finish.

Hope for the best for our country....